Tuesday 21 September 2010

Planning - problems encountered with preliminary exercise

After we finished the preliminary task, we went through the video properly to find any mistakes, and what we could make better for the proper filming.
The first issue we came across was that at the very start of the filming, where we had the actor pausing in a ready position, we didn’t cut out about 3 seconds of him standing there doing nothing. Next time we do the editing I will be very aware of any unneeded film as it stops it flowing as well.
Another problem we encountered was that we had tried to cut out some of the sound throughout the beginning, which had blanked out the knocking of the door, which was actually quite important and had ‘ruffled’ the sound in part of it. When we do this properly we will make sure there will be no unneeded sound while we are filming, rather than trying to cut it out in the editing.
There was also a major problem; at the beginning of the dialogue, I look at the camera, which makes it seem rather off putting when watching it and was a problem we only noticed after watching it through. This has helped me realise to not look at the camera at any stage, even if I am not sure whether it has started filming yet or not.
I have found this exercise very helpful and has made me very aware now of problems we can encounter when doing the proper filming and I am sure we will make no where near the kind of mistakes we made in this exercise.

The link to the preliminary task video:

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