Thursday 30 September 2010

Possible Alternatives

We could have chosen to do a magazine article, a newspaper article(print), a website or even a radio clip, but instead we thought it would be best to do a video clip.
I personally didn't want to do a magazine because i did that last year and i want to try something different. A newspaper article we thought to be a fairly restricted part of the media, as it would of had to be a story and pretty much just writing. A radio clip we thought again to be very restricted, due to the fact it is only auditory. It is also hard to put together something that is just auditory. A website could have worked quite well, but again we believed to be very restricted in comparison to a video clip/short piece of film.
We have decided to do a video clip because it was the most open what we thought to be the type of media most suitable to what we want to do. The school have also provided us with video cameras for us to film with, which are very simple but effective to use. The school also has the correct editing programs for us to put together a decent piece of film.

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